7342 - Visceroptosis, symptomatic, marked

DBQ: Link to Index of DBQ/Exams by Disability for DC 7342


Visceroptosis is defined as any internal organ enclosed in a cavity that has been downwardly displaced. The disorder is also called Glenard syndrome or disease. In Glenard syndrome one or more viscera are displaced.


This condition may be associated with a form of anxiety neurosis (neurasthenic disorders).

Signs & Symptoms

Manifestations may include bulging abdomen; disorders of muscle tone; vertigo; backache; nausea; vomiting; fatigue; insomnia; constipation alternating with diarrhea; and general nervousness.


Diagnostic measures are not documented in the references used, but may include the traditional tests used to investigate the internal organs i.e., abdominal x-rays; computed tomography (CT) scan; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography.


Treatment measures are not documented in the references used.


Residuals for the condition are not documented in the references used.

Special Considerations

  • None.


  • There are diseases of the digestive system, particularly within the abdomen, which, while differing in the site of pathology, produce a common disability picture characterized in the main by varying degrees of abdominal distress or pain, anemia and disturbances in nutrition. Consequently, certain coexisting diseases in this area, as indicated in the instruction under the title “Diseases of the Digestive System,” do not lend themselves to distinct and separate disability evaluations without violating the fundamental principle relating to pyramiding as outlined in 38 CFR 4.14[38 CFR 4.113]

  • Ratings under diagnostic codes 7301 to 7329, inclusive, 7331, 7342, and 7345 to 7348 inclusive will not be combined with each other. A single evaluation will be assigned under the diagnostic code which reflects the predominant disability picture, with elevation to the next higher evaluation where the severity of the overall disability warrants such elevation.[38 CR 4.114]